Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How to keep a diaper on all night?

I'm glad you asked....DUCT TAPE...it is truly the fix it all. I received this advice after bawling at Bible Study Fellowship. Painting the walls with a diaper in the middle of the night is NOT my idea of a fun thing to wake me up. Before you get ready to call children's service on me - the duct tape does not touch her skin. It is care fully wrapped around the top edge of the diaper. I have to carefully use scissors in the morning to get the diaper off.


Lady Why said...

Great idea! I think I may need to try this. We've had a number of 'diaper mishaps' recently!

Mamabug said...

When I saw your link title on Rocks in my dryer, I thought to myself "duct tape." Little did I know that was what your solution was. Messy walls are nothing to joke about. You can get colored duct tape too. : ) You go girl!