Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I am all about getting things FREE. This month is my birthday and already my free birthday offers are coming in. Another thing I like doing is requesting FREE samples online. Request take 4-6 weeks on average so by the time I get them I complete forget about them and it is a surprise. Yesterday my mailbox was overstuffed with THREE samples. I brought the mail in and said "I love samples!" Yesterday's sample include Starbucks coffee, Goodnight training pants and a Potty Training DVD from Pull-ups. I put them aside for the time being. Later when I was cleaning off the table BB saw the pile and said "I love samples. I want one" I gave her the DVD on potty training! I wonder what will arrive in my mailbox today.

UPDATE - I just go back from my mailbox. Today's sample is Seattle's Best Coffee - Vanilla Bean!


Deb said...

You have a new theme. Spring cleaning the blog I see.

Mrs_Scotsman said...

I finally got around to working on my sidebar. I wanted it to be on the right so I had to change templates.